Air, land and sea
Think Global!
Whilst we were recently on holiday in Kefalonia, I couldn’t resist the temptation to pick up half a dozen manky plastic bottles off an otherwise glorious wildlife-friendly beach. If I’d been spotted I would have felt pretty embarrassed which is obviously not a feeling shared by those who’d dumped them in the first place.
So how does this fit into our aim to promote sustainable travel I hear you say?!
The simple fact is that if we’re promoting a message about sustainable travel we are, like it or not, part of a larger environmental movement.
The wider picture
In the last twelve months, we’ve all become painfully aware of the massive problems of plastic in our oceans. The site of huge mounds of floating plastic and wildlife feeding on it has rightly caused universal alarm. People are seriously looking for alternatives to plastic on an unprecedented scale.
And yes, there’s also plenty that we can say about this from our standpoint.
As you know, plastic starts its life as oil, much of which is extracted from the seabed where it tragically returns in the form of endless plastic bottles and literally tonnes of discarded packaging.
On the other side, petrol-fuelled vehicles pollute the air which in turn send acid rain into our already perilously over-polluted oceans. Meanwhile, even more, oil from our roads and industry gets washed into rivers and ends up in the sea.
Where to start
As part of our small contribution to linking sustainable travel to the health of our oceans, we’ve produced a simple activity brochure ‘Air, land and sea’’ which gives students the opportunity to learn about the benefits of sustainable travel. It is accompanied by a webpage: www.room9media/ALS This gives some great links to some leading interactive websites on the topic.
So if you wish to "Think global, act locally" you may wish to consider the air, land and sea to give an overview before you tackle those parents who won’t stop revving up their engines outside the school gates...