
Scooter aerial view

Scooter street view with questions 

Scoot answers and information

Page 3 Get The Gear

  • James should wear his backpack on his back because it leaves both hands free to hold on to his bike. 

  • A helmet is the most important thing for James to remember to wear when he is scooting. It protects his head if he falls..

  • James has forgotten to tie his laces. They could get caught in the wheels or he could trip over them and James could fall. He should stop and tie them up.

Keeping Safe

  • Tie your laces or wear shoes with Velcro fastenings.
  • Remember to always look for a safer place to cross and Stop, Look, Listen and Think before you walk across the road, pushing your scooter.
  • Always wear a helmet to protect your head.
  • Remember bright clothes help you to be seen!
  • If you have a backpack, carry it on your back and not on the handlebars. It can cause your scooter to overbalance and you could fall.

Page 4 Picture Puzzle

Answer: Take extra care in the rain

Rain can make the pavement slippy.

Page 5 Weather Watch

How many weather words did you make? We made 21. Did you find more?

sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, icy, stormy, windy, wet, dry, cold, hot, warm, thunder, lightning, sun, cloud, rain, snow, ice, storm, wind.

Pages 6 - 7. People and Pavements

  1. Did you circle the 3 things on the pavement that cannot move but Jack might bump into?
  • A bus stop / shelter
  • A bin
  • A postbox
  1. It is important that Jack looks at the pavement ahead and spots the dangers. There is a big hole and Jack needs to scoot around it or get off his scooter and walk around it. If he doesn’t see it, his wheel could go down the hole and Jack could fall.

  2. On the pavement, there are six people and a baby in a pushchair. Jack has to take extra care around them all to stay safe.
  • The girl on the mobile phone. Is she looking where she is going? Has she seen Jack? She is listening and talking to someone on her phone and is not looking and listening for anyone around her.

  • The man with the baby in a pushchair. He could suddenly move to go one way or another around Jack.  He could suddenly stop. Jack needs to go around the man and the pushchair in one go.
  • There are two animals in the picture. There is a cat on the wall and the lady has a dog. It is not always easy to know what an animal may do next.

The cat may suddenly jump down in front of the boy, making him fall over. 

The dog may suddenly pull on the lead to try to go one way or another. Jack needs to be careful around animals.

  • The boy on the right of the picture. He is running very fast and is not looking where he is going or who is in his way.
  • The two friends by the bus stop. They are too busy looking at the girl’s tablet to watch where they are going.
  1. The car is parked in the driveway. What could it do? Always remember to stop, look and listen near cars! Can you see it moving? Can you hear an engine? Can you see a driver? Look at the back of the car to see if the white lights are on – they show us that the car is about to move!

Crossing the road

Answer: Stop, Look, Listen, Think

Page 8 - 9 Scooting Safely

There are many dangers on the route to school eg traffic, parked cars, cars coming out of driveways, bus stops, roundabouts, road junctions.

Remember ALWAYS look for the safer places to cross. 

On the animation, there are two views of the boy’s journey to school, an aerial view from above and then a street view with questions. In the street view, you can see where he goes as if you are scooting to school.

  • Puffin crossing. The boy starts his journey to school by crossing over, with his grown-up, at the Puffin crossing. He stops and gets off his scooter. He pushes the button and waits for the red man to change to the green man. He checks both ways that all of the traffic has stopped. With his grown-up, he walks pushing his scooter, looking and listening all the way across.  

  • The car. The boy stops when he sees the car in the driveway. He looks for a driver. He looks for white lights at the back of the car to see if they are lit to show the car will move. He listens for the sound of the engine. When he knows the car is not going to move, he and his grown-up continue on their way.

  • Bus Stop. He follows the pavement to the next road junction. Here there is no crossing. He moves a little way down from the junction to a place where he can see both ways up and down the road and he stops. He gets off his scooter. He checks that there is no bus at the stop and he listens for the sound of any bus coming. He looks both ways and listens for traffic. When he and his grown-up are sure that there is no traffic coming, they cross over the road. Again, he is pushing his scooter and walking across, looking and listening all the way.

  • Zebra Crossing. When he gets to the Zebra crossing, he stops and gets off his scooter again. He remembers the four things to do before you cross. Stop, Look, Listen and Think! He waits until all traffic both ways has stopped. With his grown-up, he walks across pushing his scooter, looking and listening all the way across. 

Page 9 Esther’s message

Answer: Go slowly down a steep hill

Esther reminds us to be careful on a steep hill. Your scooter gets faster as you go down a hill. You could lose control and have a nasty fall or scoot into the road.

Page 10-11 Six steps to safer scooting

Play this game to show your grown-up all of the things you have learned in this book!

Page 12 Promise

Now grown-ups and children, write your names on the back page to promise to always remember SAFER scooting!